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Nel mio nome nous parle d’autodétermination de genre


- Ce documentaire de Nicolò Bassetti, sélectionné à la Berlinale 2022 dans la section Panorama, suit quatre amis qui ont entrepris de faire la transition de l’identité féminine à l’identité masculine

Nel mio nome nous parle d’autodétermination de genre
Le réalisateur Nicolò Bassetti

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Nic, Leo, Andrea and Raff are a very close-knit group of friends. They come from all over Italy but found one another and developed their friendship in Bologna. At different points in their lives, they have set about transitioning from female to male. Day after day, they courageously contend with the many difficulties thrown in their paths by an inflexibly binary world which hampers their need and their right to be who they are. A documentary by Italian director Nicolò Bassetti, Into My Name [+lire aussi :
interview : Nicolò Bassetti
fiche film
has been selected for the 2022 Berlinale’s Panorama Dokumente section.

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The film homes in on Leonardo Arpino, Raffaele Baldo, Andrea Ragno and Nicolò Sproccati. They’re four friends, each boasting their own lifesaving passions: Nic explores urban areas in transition, where he feels safe; Leo is working on a podcast about the relationship which exists between our teenage and mature identities; Andrea writes short stories; Raff is building a bike. But they’re united by one small but incredible dream: going on holiday together, even if only for a few days. It’s an idea which strengthens their bond and eventually becomes a reality for them.

A landscape painter and the author of the book on which Gianfranco Rosi’s Sacro GRA [+lire aussi :
interview : Gianfranco Rosi
fiche film
was based, which won Venice’s Golden Lion in 2013, Nicolò Bassetti also signed his name to a documentary back in 2018, entitled Magnifiche sorti.

Into My Name is produced by Nuovi Paesaggi Urbani, with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Film Commission.

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(Traduit de l'italien)

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