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El Riga Film Fund anuncia una competición de cofinanciación para promocionar los rodajes en Letonia


- La agencia cinematográfica de la capital letona intentará revivir las producciones en el país y atraer las inversiones extranjeras

El Riga Film Fund anuncia una competición de cofinanciación para promocionar los rodajes en Letonia

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The Riga Film Fund, the Latvian capital’s film agency, has announced it is opening a co-financing competition aimed at promoting foreign filming in Riga and Latvia. The news was revealed in a press release published by the public relations department of Riga City Council.

The total co-financing investment will be €800,000, and applications will be accepted starting from 1 June. The successful projects will be made public in July.

The main goals of the competition are to provide support for the resumption of activities in the local film sector and to attract foreign financing. The City Council highlighted the fact that the local government’s co-financing efforts are able to attract and use foreign investments as a tool to bolster the national economy and to encourage the development of the creative industries.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Eligible productions should have a minimum total budget of €700,000, and half of their funding must already have been confirmed.

The grants will be awarded in the form of cash rebates. A 25% cash rebate will be granted to eligible projects whose storyline is set in Riga or with a noteworthy portrayal of Riga (occupying at least 20% of the screen time), and they must be at least partly shot in the territory of the Latvian capital. Meanwhile, a 20% incentive is available for film shoots taking place across the country. Among the eligible expenses are film-related transportation, location and technical equipment rentals, catering, accommodation, public facilities, construction and security services as well as artistic and administrative work. For further information, please click here.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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