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PRODUCCIÓN Polonia / República Checa

The Black Mill, primera película en disfrutar del reembolso polaco


- La próxima película de Mariusz Palej es la primera que se beneficiará del programa de reembolso del 30% anunciado a principios de año por el Instituto Polaco de Cine

The Black Mill, primera película en disfrutar del reembolso polaco
El director Mariusz Palej durante el rodaje de The Black Mill (© Robert Pałka)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The Polish tax incentive scheme, which offers a reimbursement of production costs incurred in Poland to the tune of 30%, was officially implemented earlier this year (see the news) and is managed by the Polish Film Institute (PFI). The first production that will benefit from the scheme has been announced as Mariusz Palej’s (Behind the Blue Door [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) sophomore feature, entitled The Black Mill [+lee también:
ficha de la película

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The Black Mill is an adventure film that follows 12-year-old Ivo, who lives with his colleagues in a neglected settlement that has been in an increasing state of disrepair since a fire broke out in the local factory, an incident in which Ivo’s father died. Since then, no one has dared to attempt to reach the ruins of the factory mill, also known as the Black Mill. One day, Ivo and his friends break the rule and enter the factory. This act awakens the evil powers living in the mill, and strange and disturbing things start to happen in the village.

The film is based on Marcin Szczygielski’s novel of the same name, one of the best-selling and most popular books aimed at Polish youngsters. The script has been adapted by Magdalena Nieć and Katarzyna Gacek. Six children play the lead roles, and the film’s cast includes Marcin Dorociński, Magdalena Nieć, Maria Ciunelis, Grażyna Bułka, Magdalena Różańska, Patrycja Durska and Janusz Chabior.

The Black Mill is a Polish-Czech co-production by Maciej Sowiński and Andrzej Papis for TFP, with 8Heads Production, and is being co-produced by Heliograf, RioDePost, AB FILM, Polish Television and Sleepwalker. It is also being supported by the Polish Film Institute, the Czech Film Fund, the Mazovia Film Fund and the Lodz Film Fund. The production also received the patronage of the Children's Rights Ombudsman and the International Chapter of the Order of the Smile.

The Polish Film Institute reports that, since the entry into force of the act on the financial support of audiovisual production, 18 applications have been submitted for the reimbursement of production costs incurred in Poland.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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