
6944 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 04/05/2024. 743 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

We Are Young. We Are Strong. by Burhan Qurbani


The second feature by German-Afghan director Burhan Qurbani recounts the xenophobic riot of August 1992 in Rostock, East Germany  

Wir sind jung. Wir sind stark.

Wir sind jung. Wir sind stark.

Free Fall by György Pálfi


After the visually impressive Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen, György Pálfi is back with an extravagant new venture  



Soap Opera by Alessandro Genovesi


With the festival’s opening film Alessandro Genovesi experiments with an uncommon way of writing a comedy, staging and directing it, by creating a sort of non-Italian hybrid  

Soap Opera

Soap Opera

Cub by Jonas Govaerts


Jonas Govaerts’ scout camping trip turns into a full-blown massacre in this horror fest of a debut  



Testament of Youth by James Kent


The film, based on Vera Brittain’s bestselling memoir, is a signal achievement for director James Kent, who makes his feature debut after a long career in television  

Testament of Youth

Testament of Youth

Another Frontier by André Cruz Shiraiwa


André Cruz Shiraiwa's debut feature, filmed in Catalan and starring Ariadna Gil, is an Orwellian fable that is very critical of the state of dehumanisation to which the human race seems doomed  

L'altra frontera

L'altra frontera

Jack Strong by Wladyslaw Pasikowski


Wladyslaw Pasikowski’s latest feature is an engrossing espionage film based on the true story of Polish Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski  

Jack Strong

Jack Strong

Night Bus by Simon Baker


The London Film Festival has hosted the premiere of Simon Baker's feature debut, which introduces us to a plethora of characters as they interact on a nocturnal journey through the British capital  

Night Bus

Night Bus

The Distance by Sergio Caballero


The second film by Sergio Caballero, screened in Sitges, puts the viewer on the edge of indignation or praise  

La distancia

La distancia

Love Is Blind by Ilmar Raag


Ilmar Raag’s film is a compassionate insight into the thoughts of people seen as the weakest links in society  



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