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GoCritic! Articles

GoCritic! Articles

Welcome to the new page on Cineuropa, dedicated to emerging film journalists and critics through the training programme GoCritic!

In the right column you will find the information on the project, the list of tutors and partner festivals and organisations, and profiles of four participants selected for the KVIFF workshop.

The stories produced at the workshop will be published on Cineuropa's main page, and below is the list of all articles we ran so far.

For all queries, please contact

See also: About GoCritic!, GoCritic! Anifilm 2024, GoCritic! Animateka 2023, GoCritic! Animest 2023, GoCritic! Fest Anča 2023, GoCritic! Animafest Zagreb 2023, GoCritic! Anifilm 2023, GoCritic! Animest 2022, GoCritic! KVIFF 2019, GoCritic! Animafest Zagreb 2019, GoCritic! Trieste 2019, GoCritic! KVIFF 2018, GoCritic! Tutors, GoCritic! Team, GoCritic! Partners, Animateka 2022, Animafest Zagreb 2019.

(The article continues below - Commercial information)

182 articles available in total starting from 04/05/2018. Last article published on 05/06/2024.

GoCritic! Review: Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

GoCritic! Review: Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

This fatalistic, optimistic and hilarious Murakami adaptation successfully translates the author's idiosyncratic style through inventive use of animation  

15/06/2023 | GoCritic! | Animafest Zagreb 2023

GoCritic! Feature: The benefit of the doubt - Four routes into the work of William Kentridge

GoCritic! Feature: The benefit of the doubt - Four routes into the work of William Kentridge

Four GoCritic! participants have covered the William Kentridge retrospective at Animafest Zagreb. Tutor Jessica Kiang introduces them and their texts  

12/06/2023 | GoCritic! | Animafest Zagreb 2023

Winning film Sliver Cave depicts the relation between artist, artwork and spectator as a hunt

Winning film Sliver Cave depicts the relation between artist, artwork and spectator as a hunt

The Anifilm 2023 Abstract and Non-Narrative Animation competition was split into two programmes this year, and the winning film Sliver Cave was at the heart of a strong selection, taking us back...  

25/05/2023 | GoCritic! | Anifilm Liberec 2023

GoCritic! Review: Three Robbers and a Lion

GoCritic! Review: Three Robbers and a Lion

In Three Robbers and a Lion, Rasmus A. Sivertsen masterfully brings a beloved Norwegian children's story to life, showcasing the transformative power of kindness and love  

24/05/2023 | GoCritic! | Anifilm Liberec 2023

GoCritic! Review: Kunstkamera

GoCritic! Review: Kunstkamera

Jan Švankmajer and his partner in life and creation Eva Švankmajerová open the doors of their wunderkammers in a surrealist swan song movie  

23/05/2023 | GoCritic! | Anifilm Liberec 2023

GoCritic! Interview: Ondřej Moravec  • Director of VR film Darkening

GoCritic! Interview: Ondřej Moravec • Director of VR film Darkening

“People realize that VR work Darkening is not a game and that depression is a real topic”

Ondřej Moravec's animated autobiographical VR documentary Darkening is an intimate exploration of the impact of mental illness and the struggle to find solace and peace  

23/05/2023 | GoCritic! | Anifilm Liberec 2023

GoCritic! Review: Amok

GoCritic! Review: Amok

A schizophrenic and eloquent depiction of human duality  

23/05/2023 | GoCritic! | Anifilm Liberec 2023

My Love Affair with Marriage and Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia win top prizes at Anifilm

My Love Affair with Marriage and Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia win top prizes at Anifilm

The Czech animation film festival hosted an extensive focus on Japanese animation, curated by film critic and producer Nobuaki Doi, who’s also the director of the revived Hiroshima Festival  

17/05/2023 | GoCritic! | Anifilm Liberec 2023

GoCritic! opens its call for participants for Fest Anča in Slovakia

GoCritic! opens its call for participants for Fest Anča in Slovakia

Six new participants will take part in the festival and will also get the chance to join its Student Forum between 27 June and 2 July; the deadline for applications is 19 May  

20/04/2023 | GoCritic! | Fest Anča 2023

GoCritic! opens its call for participants for Animafest Zagreb

GoCritic! opens its call for participants for Animafest Zagreb

Acclaimed film critic Jessica Kiang will be tutoring the workshop at the World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb in early June, with the deadline for applications set for 17 April  

21/03/2023 | GoCritic! | Animafest Zagreb 2023

(The article continues below - Commercial information)

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